The Cheapest ROOM

I'm passionate about books and reading...
Emma Chase
reviewed: Highlander Most Wanted
I was struggling with this book so much!I think it was partly my fault I didn't like this book more.I think the "problem" was...
Highlander Most Wanted - Maya Banks
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reviewed: Worth the Fall
DNF at 24%.I'm so sorry I coudn't finish this book but it got boring for me too soon. At the beginning I was really excited t...
Worth the Fall - Claudia Connor
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reviewed: Never Seduce a Scot
I've rarely read a book where I could feel the chemisty between the characters like I did in this novel! And I've rarely read...
Never Seduce a Scot - Maya Banks
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reviewed: The Rosie Effect
Okayyy... hmm, where do I start?Let's start with the thing I found the most disturbing: THIS BOOK HAS ZERO PLOT!No, I'm not k...
The Rosie Effect - Graeme Simsion
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reviewed: Dream Man
Another masterpiece by Linda Howard! I LOVE her books so much! She really knows how to write a good mystery.I love reading ro...
Dream Man - Linda Howard
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reviewed: Blood Games
I can't believe I have to rate this 3 stars, but I must be honest.Here is the thing:I don't know where this series is heading...
Blood Games - Chloe Neill
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reviewed: The Secret
I enjoyed this book A LOT! This is not a big surprise because everything Julie Garwood writes is amazing.I'm giving this "onl...
The Secret - Julie Garwood
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reviewed: The Invitation
I admit: this is the hottest prequel story I've ever read!This said, I think I would have liked it a lot more if there was mo...
The Invitation - Sloane,  Roxy
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reviewed: Undead and Unwed
I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I have to say: this book has nothing I would expect from a paranormal romance novel.I'...
Undead and Unwed - MaryJanice Davidson
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reviewed: To Die For
Hilarious and funny! I couldn't stop smiling while reading this book!Blair was amazing! It was so much fun to be in her brain...
To Die For - Linda Howard
reviewed: Open Season
DNF at 59%.This book could have been SO MUCH BETTER if not for the boring and uninteresting heroine, Daisy! The first half of...
Open Season - Linda Howard
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reviewed: Mackenzie's Mountain
This author CANNOT DISAPPOINT! Linda Howard,Before reading this book I had experienced a smaller reader slump. I tried to rea...
Mackenzie's Mountain - Linda Howard
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reviewed: Uncivilized
Oh my...The book cover is so fitting! Sawyer Bennett did it again! Uncivilized was unique, well written and I enjoyed every s...
Uncivilized - Sawyer Bennett
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reviewed: Bonus Scenes - Cam's P.O.V.
Yay! I mussed Cam and I wish this Bonus Scene would have been longer. I'll never get tired of reading about him and Jo and Co...
Bonus Scenes - Cam's P.O.V. - Samantha Young
reviewed: Bonus Scenes - Adam's P.O.V.
From the whole series Adam is my least favorite character. I don't really know why is this, but I couldn't connect with his c...
Bonus Scenes - Adam's P.O.V. - Samantha Young
reviewed: Bonus Scenes - Braden's P.O.V.
Oh, how much I missed Braden! It was great to read about him again. I enjoyed reading these few scenes from his POV. He is de...
Bonus Scenes - Braden's P.O.V. - Samantha Young
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